dbSNP 130 available for UCSC hg18

UCSC 於2009/07/17 發佈訊息, Human assembly 上的 dbSNP版本已更新到 dbSNP 130.

We are pleased to announce the release of the most recent dbSNP build (130) on
the human assembly (hg18). dbSNP build 130 includes SNPs submitted by the 1000
Genomes Project (http://1000genomes.org). Of the 18,833,531 SNPs mapped to the
reference genome assembly by dbSNP, 5,671,874 are based at least in part on
1000Genomes Project submissions. 1,916,263 of those are novel (submitted only
by 1000 Genomes Project).

You will find the SNP 130 track on the hg18 browser in the "Variation and
Repeats" Group.

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